
Google Images hack - full-sized images ONLY

Tired of looking at all those tiny thumbnails on google images ?

This hack will make a google images page disappear, and be replaced with the full-sized images from that page.

goto google images, and search for whatever you want.

when that page comes up type or copy & paste this into your browser's address bar.

javascript:i=document.getElementsByTagName('a');var output;var htm;for(a=25;a<(i.length-15);a++){htm = i[a]; htmS= htm.search.substring(1); ampS = htmS.split("&");equS = ampS[0].split("="); output +="<img src='" + equS[1] + "'><br/>";};document.body.innerHTML =output;

Hope you all enjoy, the bummer is that I can't get it to keep displaying the google frame :-( if anybody out there has idea's please post them here.

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