
What I got ...

I got all 3 packages from my last post. r4ds, screwdrivers, arduino ... and I've been playing around pretty hard ... gotta say, much love to the lameboy It's been keeping me entertained with some music roms (and a couple other weird games I pulled off the interwebs) also Protein[DS] is more fun than I ever dreamed...

Naturally I took apart my gameboy color, but I couldn't find any wire around suitable for the pro-sound mod ...

And the arduino (which I just got started with because my power's been out for two days) Is awesome ... I've just been playing around with that. and naturally any time a true nerd is given processing power over LED's this has to happen:

Which was done using a little "Work Around" I learned from flash:
dir = true;
if(pinA == 9){
dir = false;
}else if(pinA == 2){
pinA = HIGH;
pinA -1 = LOW;
pinA = HIGH;
pinA +1 = LOW;

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